50801 AITUTAKI 1981 Birds Definitives First series. Set of 36 in joined pairs. - 50801 - UHM SG 317-352 £ 85.00 UHM NZ $125.00 Add To cart
20597 AITUTAKI 1981 Birds Part set to the 12c pair. - 20597 - UHM SG 317-332 £ 11.00 UHM NZ $5.00 Add To cart
20279 AITUTAKI 1983 Surcharges. Set of 19. Complete. - 20279 - UHM SG 447-465 £85.00 UHM NZ $85.00 Add To cart
50826 AITUTAKI 1984 Birds Second series. Set of 20. - 50826 - UHM SG 475-494 £ 60.00 UHM NZ $75.00 Add To cart
90022 AITUTAKI 1985 Bicentenary of the Birth of John J Audubon. Set of 5. - 90022 - UHM SG 518-522 £7.15 UHM NZ $7.00 Add To cart
20823 ALDERNEY 1984 Birds. Set of 5 in Gutter Pairs. - 20823 - UHM SG 13-17 UHM NZ $72.00 Add To cart
50313 ANTIGUA BARBUDA 1996 Sea Birds. Sheetlet of 12 (3 each of 4 designs). - 50313 - UHM SG 2329-2332 GBp 4.20 UHM NZ $8.50 Add To cart
19850 ANTIGUA and BARBUDA 1995 Birds. Miniature sheet. - 19850 - UHM SG 2140a £12.00 UHM NZ $12.00 Add To cart
20810 ARGENTINA 1983 Maxim Cards. Penguins Birds Antarctic. Set of 10. - 20810 - PostalHist PostalHist NZ $20.00 Add To cart
51163 ASCENSION 1999 Endangered Species. Strip of 4. - 51163 - UHM SG 770-773 £1.80 UHM NZ $2.00 Add To cart
50044 ASCENSION 1999 Fairy Tern. Sheetlet of 16 and set of 4. - 50044 - UHM SG 770-773 UHM NZ $12.25 Add To cart
8602 AUSTRALIA 1913 Definitive Kookaburra 6d Claret. - 8602 - UHM SG 19 £75.00 UHM NZ $75.00 Add To cart
25810 AUSTRALIA 1964 Definitives. Set of 7 in blocks of 4. - 25810 - UHM SG 363-369 £43.60 UHM NZ $40.00 Add To cart
25808 AUSTRALIA 1964 Definitives. Set of 7. - 25808 - UHM SG 363-369 £10.90 UHM NZ $10.00 Add To cart
367214 AUSTRALIA 1979 Trial Booklet issued in Brisbane. Refer note in Stanley Gibbons after SG SB 51. - 367214 - Booklet Booklet NZ $100.00 Add To cart
75545 AUSTRIA 1950 Air 2s Blue. Black-Headed Gulls. - 75545 - UHM SG 1217 £ 17.00 UHM NZ $25.00 Add To cart
75542 AUSTRIA 1950 Air Definitive 3s Deep Turquoise. - 75542 - VFU SG 1218 £75.00 VFU NZ $80.00 Add To cart
52990 AZERBAIJAN 1994 Endangered Species. Georgian Black Grouse. Block of 4. - 52990 - LHM sss 178-181 £5.25 LHM NZ $5.00 Add To cart
91490 AZORES 1988 Nature Protection. Birds. Set of 4. - 91490 - UHM SG 486-489 £6.75 UHM NZ $6.40 Add To cart
54436 AZORES 1990 Nature Protection. Strip of 4. - 54436 - UHM SG 500-506 £4.25 UHM NZ $4.00 Add To cart
53204 BAHAMAS 2006 Birdlife International. Miniature sheet. - 53204 - UHM SG 1413 £7.75 UHM NZ $7.60 Add To cart
15798 BARBUDA 1997 Birds. Miniature sheet. Blue-Winged Teal. - 15798 - UHM SG 1905b £7.00 UHM NZ $7.00 Add To cart
51233 BELIZE 1977 Birds. First series. Miniature sheet. - 51233 - VFU SG 458 £11.00 VFU NZ $11.00 Add To cart
54513 BELIZE 1980 Birds. Fourth series. Sheetlet of 6. - 54513 - FU SG 561-566 £16.00 FU NZ $16.00 Add To cart
133042 BERMUDA 1978 Wildlife Part 1. Set of 5 issued on 15/11/78 on first day cover. - 133042 - FDC SG 387-403 FDC NZ $12.00 Add To cart
54852 BHUTAN 1995 Dingapore '05 International Stamp Exhibition. Miniature sheet. - 54852 - UHM SG 1072-1077 £3.00 UHM NZ $3.00 Add To cart
54068 BHUTAN 1999 Birds. Set of 3 miniature sheets. - 54068 - UHM SG 1433 £11.00 UHM NZ $11.00 Add To cart
137593 BOPHUTHATSWANA 1980 Birds. Set of 4 on first day cover. - 137593 - FDC SG 60-63 FDC NZ $4.00 Add To cart
137606 BOPHUTHATSWANA 1983 Birds of the Veld. Set of 4 on first day cover. - 137606 SG 112-115 FDC NZ $4.00 Add To cart
536640 BOPHUTHATSWANA 1983 Birds of the Veld. Set of 4 on first day information sheet. - 536640 - FDC SG 112-115 FDC NZ $4.00 Add To cart
137630 BOPHUTHATSWANA 1989 Birds of Prey. Philatelic Foundation miniature sheet on first day cover. - 137630 FDC NZ $8.00 Add To cart
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