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BARBADOS 1897 Diamond Jubilee 5d Olive-Brown. - 8280 - UHM
SG 120 £26.00 UHM NZ $28.00
BARBADOS 1897 Diamond Jubilee 8d Orange and Ultramarine. - 8281 - UHM
SG 122 £18.00 UHM NZ $18.00
BARBADOS 1920 Victory 1/- Black and Bright Green. Hinge remains. - 8282 - Mint
SG 209 £16.00 Mint NZ $12.00
BARBADOS 1925 Definitive 1/- Black on Emerald. Perf 13½x12½. - 8278 - Mint
SG 237a £65.00 Mint NZ $52.00