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ANGUILLA 1972 Definitives. Set of 16. - 52489 - UHM
SG 130-144a £58.65 UHM NZ $60.00
ANGUILLA 1972 Royal Silver Wedding. Set of 2. - 95040 - VFU
SG 145-146 £1.50 VFU NZ $1.50
ANGUILLA 1973 Christmas. Set of 6. - 53853 - UHM
SG 167-172 UHM NZ $1.00
ANGUILLA 1976 New Constitution. Set of 18. But missing the 2c and 10c unoverprinted values issued 1/7/1976. - 20885 - UHM
SG 223-240 £23.80 UHM NZ $22.00
ANGUILLA 1977 Silver Jubilee. Booklet. - 59280 - Booklet
SG SB 1 Booklet NZ $4.00
ANGUILLA 1977 Silver Jubilee. Miniature sheet. - 15300 - UHM
SG 273 UHM NZ $2.00
ANGUILLA 1978 25th Anniversary of the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth 2nd. Booklet. - 300035 - Booklet
SG SB 2 £1.75 Booklet NZ $2.00
ANGUILLA 1979 Centenary of the Death of Sir Rowland Hill. Booklet. - 300036 - Booklet
SG SB 3 £2.75 Booklet NZ $3.00
ANGUILLA 1980 80th Birthday of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother. Set of 4. - 93296 - UHM
SG 411-414 £5.30 UHM NZ $5.00
ANGUILLA 1980 London '80 International Stamp Exhibition. Booklet. - 300037 - Booklet
SG SB 4 £2.50 Booklet NZ $2.50
ANGUILLA 1981 Royal Wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer. 3 Booklets. - 30621 - Booklet
SG SB5 Booklet NZ $12.00
ANGUILLA 1981 Royal Wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer. Set of 3 and miniature sheet in Presentation Pack. - 53165
SG 464-467 UHM NZ $5.00
ANGUILLA 1981 Royal Wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer. Set of 3 and miniature sheet. - 59002 - UHM
SG 464-467 UHM NZ $5.00
ANGUILLA 1981 Royal Wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer. Set of 3. - 50854 - UHM
SG 464-466 UHM NZ $2.00
ANGUILLA 1981 Royal Wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer. Set of 3. - 91658 - UHM
SG 464-466 UHM NZ $1.20
ANGUILLA 1981 Royal Wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer. Two Booklet Panes each of 4. - 59003 - UHM
SG 468a-469a UHM NZ $5.00
ANGUILLA 1981 Royal Wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer. Two Booklet Panes each of 4. Watermark Sideways Reversed.
SG 468aw-469aw UHM NZ $5.00
ANGUILLA 1983 Centenary of the Boys' Brigade. Set of 2 and miniature sheet on first day cover. - 130634 - FDC
SG 570-572 £7.75 FDC NZ $10.00
ANGUILLA 1987 Cricket World Cup. Set of 4 and miniature sheet. - 21578 - UHM
SG 778-782 £18.75 UHM NZ $28.00
ANGUILLA 1990 Christmas $6.00 Little Tern. Miniature sheet. - 51217 - UHM
SG 868 £7.50 UHM NZ $7.50
ANGUILLA 1992 Sailing Dinghy Racing. Set of 6. - 83202 - UHM
SG 890-895 £24.75 UHM NZ $18.00
ANGUILLA 1997 World Wildlife Fund Iguana. Set of 4 in mint never hinged and on first day covers and on maxim cards with 6 pages
Mixed NZ $8.00
ANGUILLA 2000 Easter 2000 Indigenous Toys. Miniature sheet. - 50137 - UHM
SG 1060 £4.00 UHM NZ $9.00
ANTIGUA & BARBUDA 1983 Definitives. Perf 12. Set of 18. - 23025 - UHM
SG 793a-810a £32.00 UHM NZ $32.00
ANTIGUA & BARBUDA 1983 World Communications Year. Set of 4 and miniature sheet. - 50401 - UHM
SG 783-787 £10.75 UHM NZ $10.00
ANTIGUA 1863 1d Dull Rose. Wmk Small Star. Pmk A02. Reasonablle copy. - 70982 - Used
SG 6 £35.00 Used NZ $20.00
ANTIGUA 1863 Victoria 1st Definitive 1d Rosy Mauve. Watermark Small Star. Rough perf. - 71463 - MNG
SG 5 £130.00 MNG NZ $130.00
ANTIGUA 1863 Victoria 1st Definitive 1d Vermilion. Watermark Small Star. Rough perf. - 71465 - MNG
SG 7 £250.00 MNG NZ $250.00
ANTIGUA 1879 Victoria 1st Definitive 4d Blue. Watermark Crown CC. - 71468 - Mint
SG 20 £250.00 Mint NZ $250.00
ANTIGUA 1908 Definitive 1/- Blue and Dull Purple. Wmk Crown CA. - 70952 - Used
SG 49 £70.00 Used NZ $70.00
ANTIGUA 1908 Definitive 1/- Blue and Dull Purple. Wmk Crown CA. - 70954 - MNG
SG 49 £18.00 MNG NZ $6.00
ANTIGUA 1908 Definitive 2/- Grey-Green and Violet. - 70969 - MNG
SG 50 £90.00 MNG NZ $45.00
ANTIGUA 1908 Definitive 2d Dull Purple & Brown. Nice copy. Fresh & clean. No toning. - 70941 - Mint
SG 45 £4.25 Mint NZ $4.00
ANTIGUA 1908 Definitives. Part set. Missing 1d Scarlet and the 2/-. Rust. - 71677 - Mint
SG 42-49 without 44 £50.75 Mint NZ $20.00
ANTIGUA 1916 War Tax ½d Green. Black overprint. - 88701 - Mint
SG 52 £4.00 Mint NZ $4.00
ANTIGUA 1916 War Tax ½d Green. Red overprint. - 88702 - Mint
SG 53 £1.50 Mint NZ $1.50
ANTIGUA 1916 War Tax ½d Orange. - 88703 - Mint
SG 54 Mint NZ $1.20
ANTIGUA 1921 Geo 5th Definitive 1/- Black on emerald with multiple crown watermark. - 529 - UHM
SG 57 £4.25 UHM NZ $5.00
ANTIGUA 1921 Geo 5th Definitive 1d Bright Violet (very lightly hinged) and 1d Mauve (UHM) both with script watermark. Colour dis
SG 64+64a £20.50 Mixed NZ $22.00
ANTIGUA 1921 Geo 5th Definitive 1½d Dull Orange with script watermark. - 525 - UHM
SG 67 £4.50 UHM NZ $5.00
ANTIGUA 1921 Geo 5th Definitive 3d Purple on pale yelow with multiple crown watermark. - 527 - UHM
SG 55 £4.50 UHM NZ $5.00
ANTIGUA 1921 Geo 5th Definitive 4d Grey-Black and Red on pale yelow with multiple crown watermark. - 528 - UHM
SG 56 £2.25 UHM NZ $3.00
ANTIGUA 1921 Geo 5th Definitive 6d Dull and Bright Purple with script watermark. - 526 - UHM
SG 75 £5.50 UHM NZ $6.00
ANTIGUA 1937 Coronation. Set of 3. - 531 - UHM
SG 95-97 £3.30 UHM NZ $3.00
ANTIGUA 1938 Geo 6th Definitive 1/- Black and Red-Brown. - 8227 - Mint
SG 105a £32.00 Mint NZ $32.00
ANTIGUA 1938 Geo 6th Definitive 1d Red and 1d Scarlet. - 70993 - Mint
SG 99 + 99a £9.00 Mint NZ $8.00
ANTIGUA 1938 Geo 6th Definitive 1½d Lake-Brown. - 70476 - Mint
SG 100a £ 28.00 Mint NZ $28.00
ANTIGUA 1938 Geo 6th Definitive 2/6 Maroon. - 70981 - Mint
SG 106a £ 22.00 Mint NZ $22.00
ANTIGUA 1938 Geo 6th Definitive 2/6 Maroon. - 71606 - Mint
SG 106a £ 22.00 Mint NZ $22.00