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BIAFRA 1968 Independence 2d and 4d Multicoloured. - 72426 - MNG
SG 1-2 MNG NZ $5.00
BIAFRA 1968 Independence 2d and 4d Multicoloured. Some gum imperfection from the production. - 72427 - UHM
SG 1-2 UHM NZ $5.00
GAMBIA 1922 Geo 5th Definitive 7ýd Purple and Black on Yellow. Watermark Multiple Crown CA. - 8147 - FU
SG 119 ã9.00 FU NZ $9.00
GAMBIA 1961 Royal Visit. Set of 4. - 94556 - UHM
SG 186-189 £2.55 UHM NZ $2.40
GAMBIA 1972 International Conference on Manding Studies. Set of 3 in plate blocks. - 52413 - UHM
SG 293-295 UHM NZ $3.00
GAMBIA 1976 11th Anniversary of Independence. Set of 3. - 91678 - UHM
SG 346-348 UHM NZ $1.20
GAMBIA 1976 Christmas. Set of 3. - 92767 - UHM
SG 353-355 UHM NZ $2.00
GAMBIA 1977 Second World Black and African Festival of Arts. Miniature sheet. The stamps are unhinged. - 53919 - Mint
SG 364 Mint NZ $4.50
GAMBIA 1978 Palestinian Welfare. Set of 2. - 94078 - LHM
SG 392-393 £2.00 LHM NZ $2.00
GAMBIA 1979 Akubo Earth Satellite Station. Set of 3. - 92972 - LHM
SG 421-423 LHM NZ $1.00
GAMBIA 1980 80th Birthday of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother. - 94696 - UHM
SG 440 UHM NZ $1.00
GAMBIA 1980 80th Birthday of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother. Complete sheetlet of 9. - 53915 - UHM
SG 440 UHM NZ $7.50
GAMBIA 1981 Royal Wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer. Set of 3. - 89374 - UHM
SG 451-453 UHM NZ $3.00
GAMBIA 1982 21st Birthday of the Princess of Wales. Set of 4. - 93197 - UHM
SG 476-479 UHM NZ $3.50
GAMBIA 1982 World Cup Football Championships. Miniature sheet. - 15553 - UHM
SG 475 £4.00 UHM NZ $5.00
GAMBIA 1982 World Cup Football Championships. Set of 4. - 82732 - UHM
SG 471-474 £ 3.65 UHM NZ $4.00
GAMBIA 1983 Commonwealth Day. Set of 4. - 96030 - UHM
SG 488-491 £1.20 UHM NZ $1.20
GAMBIA 1983 World Communications Year. - 89459 - UHM
SG 514-517 £ 2.00 UHM NZ $2.00
GAMBIA 1984 250th Anniversary of Lloyd's List. Set of 4 on first day cover. - 132006 - FDC
SG 549-552 £3.80 FDC NZ $5.00
GAMBIA 1984 250th Anniversary of Lloyd's List. Set of 4. - 89021 - UHM
SG 549-552 £3.35 UHM NZ $4.00
GAMBIA 1984 Easter. Miniature sheet. - 53398 - UHM
SG 543 £3.50 UHM NZ $4.50
GAMBIA 1984 Olympic Winners. Miniature sheet. - 15551 - UHM
SG 606 UHM NZ $4.00
GAMBIA 1984 Olympics. Miniature sheet. - 15550 - UHM
SG 533 UHM NZ $3.50
GAMBIA 1985 150th Anniversary of the Birth of Mark Twain. Miniature sheet. - 53396 - UHM
SG 594 £6.00 UHM NZ $6.00
GAMBIA 1985 50th Anniversary of the Diocese of The Gamia and Guinea. Set of 4. - 94588 - LHM
SG 615-618 £2.10 LHM NZ $2.00
GAMBIA 1985 75th Anniversary of Girl Guides. Set of 4 and miniature sheet. - 53333 - UHM
UHM NZ $8.00
GAMBIA 1985 Bicentenary of the Birth of the Grimm Brothers. Miniature sheet. - 53394 - UHM
SG 599 £6.50 UHM NZ $7.00
GAMBIA 1985 Campaign for Child Survival. Set of 4. - 99759 - UHM
SG 573-576 £1.25 UHM NZ $1.20
GAMBIA 1985 Christmas. Miniature sheet. - 15549 - UHM
SG 623 UHM NZ $7.00
GAMBIA 1985 Christmas. Set of 4. - 92538 - LHM
SG 619-622 £2.50 LHM NZ $2.00
GAMBIA 1985 International Youth Year. Set of 4. - 22466 - LHM
SG 629-632 £2.10 LHM NZ $1.20
GAMBIA 1985 Women and development. Set of 4. - 96956 - UHM
SG 577-580 £1.50 UHM NZ $1.20
GAMBIA 1986 Appearance of Halley's Comet. First series. Miniature sheet. - 15546 - UHM
SG 640 UHM NZ $8.00
GAMBIA 1986 Appearance of Halley's Comet. Second series. Miniature sheet. - 15547 - UHM
SG 685 UHM NZ $7.00
GAMBIA 1986 Royal Wedding. Miniature sheet. - 15545 - UHM
SG 667 UHM NZ $7.50
GAMBIA 1986 World Cup Football Championships. Miniature sheet. - 15548 - UHM
SG 649 £7.50 UHM NZ $8.00
GAMBIA 1987 America's Cup Yachting Championship. Miniature sheet. - 15544 - UHM
SG 704 £3.75 UHM NZ $4.50
GAMBIA 1987 Centenary of the Birth of Marc Chagall. Two miniature sheets. - 53340 - UHM
SG 699 £7.50 UHM NZ $8.00
GAMBIA 1987 Centenary of the Statue of Liberty. Set of 10. - 20701 - Mint
SG 705-714 Mint NZ $10.00
GAMBIA 1987 Manding Musical Instruments. Miniature sheet. - 14966 - UHM
SG 690 UHM NZ $2.00
GAMBIA 1987 Mansing Musical Instruments. Set of 4 and miniature sheet. - 52415 - UHM
SG 686-690 £4.00 UHM NZ $4.00
GAMBIA 1987 Weapons. Miniature sheet. - 15700 - UHM
SG 690 UHM NZ $3.20
GAMBIA 1989 Orchids. Set of 8 and two miniature sheets. - 51265 - UHM
SG 960-968 UHM NZ $36.00
GAMBIA 1990 Great Wimbledon Champions. Set of 2 miniature sheets. - 53797 - UHM
SG 989 £8.50 UHM NZ $5.00
GAMBIA 1990 Wimbledon Tennis Championships. Sheetlet of 20. SG 979 and 980. - 55776 - UHM
SG 979a £25.00 UHM NZ $6.00
GAMBIA 1991 10th Wedding Anniversary of the Prince and Princess of Wales. Miniature sheet. - 14932 - UHM
SG 1174 £6.50 UHM NZ $6.00
GAMBIA 1991 Caboose. Miniature sheet.
UHM NZ $5.00
GAMBIA 1991 Gambian Life D15 Orchid. - 80460 - UHM
SG 1049 UHM NZ $9.50
GAMBIA 1993 Centenary of the Benz Car. Miniature sheet. - 14507 - UHM
SG 1558(b) £4.25 UHM NZ $4.00