49591 Postcard of a Maori Kitchen. Rotorua. - 49591 - Postcard Le Grice Postcard NZ $12.00 Add To cart
44325 Postcard of a Sheikh's Tomb during the Flood. Cairo. - 44325 - Postcard Postcard NZ $4.00 Add To cart
48443 Postcard of a View in the Christchurch Botanical Gardens. - 48443 - Postcard GM 106 Postcard NZ $6.00 Add To cart
42230 Postcard of a horse eating hay. A nice card but but quite crunched. - 42230 - Postcard Postcard NZ $2.00 Add To cart
49284 Postcard of a pretty spot Gardens Dunedin. - 49284 - Postcard Nees Postcard NZ $8.00 Add To cart
41440 Postcard of a scene in New Zealand near milking time. - 41440 - Postcard Postcard NZ $10.00 Add To cart
48342 Postcard of a shady nook on the Avon Christchurch. - 48342 - Postcard Postcard NZ $8.00 Add To cart
41762 Postcard of a sheep droving scene in New Zealand. The home of the finest lamb in the world. - 41762 - Postcard Postcard NZ $4.00 Add To cart
41759 Postcard of a typical pastoral scene in New Zealand. The home of the finest lamb in the world. - 41759 - Postcard Postcard NZ $4.00 Add To cart
41757 Postcard of a typical scene of New Zealand's crystal mountain streams which helped produce the finest lamb in the world. - 41757 Postcard NZ $4.00 Add To cart
242600 Postcard of an Irish Peasant's Cabin. The condition of the card is appropriate to the living conditions. - 242600 - Postcard Postcard NZ $4.00 Add To cart
48845 Postcard of by Dran Trawets (Spokane USA) of Franz Josef Glacier. Sold to defray round the world cycling trip. - 48845 - Postcar Postcard NZ $8.00 Add To cart
48834 Postcard of by Dran Trawets (Spokane USA) of the Camel Rocky Mountains. First climbed by Trawets. . Sold to defray round the wor Postcard NZ $4.00 Add To cart
40347 Postcard of by Muir & Moodie of HMS Powerful Auckland Harbour. NEW ZEALAND Postmark Timaru MORVEN. A Class cancel on Postcard o RW #4 $8.00-$20.00 Postcard NZ $20.00 Add To cart
45696 Postcard of by W J Sefton Great South Road Otahuhu of the Lake Cambridge. - 45696 - Postcard Postcard NZ $10.00 Add To cart
244156 Postcard of child feeding young donkey. Merry Christmas. - 244156 - Postcard Postcard NZ $4.00 Add To cart
69508 Postcard of from Teagle Smith 1938 advertisig the proposed visit of their salesman. Early use of frank. - 69508 - Postcard Postcard NZ $20.00 Add To cart
240072 Postcard of la Meuse la collegiate et la fortresse Huy. - 240072 - Postcard Postcard NZ $6.00 Add To cart
243230 Postcard of ltalian Gardens South Cliff Scarborough. - 243230 - Postcard Postcard NZ $3.00 Add To cart
48251 Postcard of of Caretakers Cottage and Grounds Hamner. - 48251 - Postcard Dodds Postcard NZ $8.00 Add To cart
48299 Postcard of of Caretakers Cottage and Grounds Hanmer Springs. - 48299 - Postcard Postcard NZ $6.00 Add To cart
49218 Postcard of of Dunedin Exhibition Rotunda and Dome. - 49218 - Postcard Postcard NZ $25.00 Add To cart
48298 Postcard of of Government Tea Kiosk and Enquiry Office Hanmer Springs. - 48298 - Postcard Postcard NZ $6.00 Add To cart
42962 Postcard of of Peel City from the Castle, Isle of Man. - 42962 - Postcard Postcard NZ $5.00 Add To cart
44202 Postcard of of Port Said. Monument of Ferdinand de Lesseps. - 44202 - Postcard Postcard NZ $4.00 Add To cart
40216 Postcard of of and from Gneisenau 7/9/1903 written from Genoa to New Zealand. - 40216 - Postcard Postcard NZ $40.00 Add To cart
42776 Postcard of promenade looking west Westcliffe-on-Sea. - 42776 - Postcard Postcard NZ $3.20 Add To cart
41828 Postcard of published by Canadian Pacific Railway of Mount Rundle and Bow River Banff. - 41828 - Postcard Postcard NZ $6.00 Add To cart
247382 Postcard of scence in Botannical Gardens Wellington. - 247382 - Postcard FT 918 Postcard NZ $10.00 Add To cart
46127 Postcard of the Alum Cliffs Waiotapu. - 46127 - Postcard Gold Medal 563a 4760 Postcard NZ $5.00 Add To cart
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