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CAVE Memorial Church Real Photograph by A B Hurst & Son. - 248502 - Postcard
Postcard NZ $8.00
Coloured postcard of Church of the Good Shepherd Tekapo. - 48564 - Postcard
CM 1924 Postcard NZ $4.00
Coloured postcard of a busy day in the Harbour Timaru. - 48557 - Postcard
Arthur A Ware Postcard NZ $4.00
Coloured postcard of the Upper Reaches of the Avon. - 48304 - Postcard
Postcard NZ $6.00
Early Undivided Postcard. Montage of views of the Convent of Sacred Heart Timaru. Enlish cancel from Timaru and Railway Travelli
Postcard NZ $30.00
Glitter Postcard. Kind regards from Waimate. - 48577 - Postcard
Postcard NZ $8.00
Glitter postcard Kind Love from Timaru. - 48559 - Postcard
Postcard NZ $4.00
Modern Coloured Postcard by Colourview of Lake Tekapo. - 440119 - Postcard
CM 1973 Postcard NZ $4.00
Modern Coloured Postcard by Colourview of Waimate. - 440120 - Postcard
CS 9008 Postcard NZ $3.20
Modern Coloured Postcard by Gladys Goodall of Church of the Good Shepherd Lake Tekapo. - 450054 - Postcard
WT .584 Postcard NZ $6.00
Modern Coloured Postcard by Gladys Goodall of Lake Tekapo. - 444177 - Postcard
WT .839 Postcard NZ $4.00
Modern Coloured Postcard of Camel near the Sphinx. - 444289 - Postcard
Postcard NZ $4.00
Modern Coloured postcard by PPL of Hastings of Lake Pukaki. - 448552 - Postcard
P 3128 Postcard NZ $3.20
Postcard by Hutton of Caroline Bay. - 48568 - Postcard
Hutton 109 Postcard NZ $6.00
Postcard by Hutton of Hospital Grounds Timaru. - 48560 - Postcard
Postcard NZ $8.00
Postcard of Chalmer's Church Timaru. - 48570 - Postcard
Postcard NZ $8.00
Postcard of Trinity Church Timaru. - 48572 - Postcard
Postcard NZ $16.00
Postcard of a Beauty Spot in the Park Timaru. - 48561 - Postcard
Postcard NZ $8.00
Postcard of the Convent of the Sacred Heart Timaru. Damage. - 48556 - Postcard
F W Hutton 174175 Postcard NZ $4.00
Postcard of the Hospital Grounds Timaru. - 48575 - Postcard
Postcard NZ $12.00
Postcard. A beuty spot in the Park Timaru. - 48566 - Postcard
Postcard NZ $6.00
Postcard. Montage of views of Geraldine. Greetings. - 48567 - Postcard
Postcard NZ $20.00
Real Photograph by A B Hurst & Son of Knox Presbyterian Church Waimate. - 48574 - Postcard
#14 Postcard NZ $10.00
Real Photograph by Frank Duncan of Caroline Bay Timaru. - 48580 - Postcard
3013 Postcard NZ $16.00
Real Photograph by Radcliffe of The Hospital Timaru. - 48571 - Postcard
FGR 5560 Postcard NZ $20.00
Real Photograph of Caroline Bay Timaru. - 48555 - Postcard
Tanner 4169 Postcard NZ $15.00
Real Photograph of Colombo Street Bridge Christchurch - 48302 - Postcard
FT 9096A Postcard NZ $6.00
Real Photograph of Hakataramea. - 48579 - Postcard
Postcard NZ $32.00
Real Photograph of Memorial Church Cave near Timaru. - 48583 - Postcard
Postcard NZ $10.00
Real Photograph tinted. Montage of four views of Timaru. - 48563 - Postcard
Postcard NZ $24.00
Real Photograph. Montage. Greetings from Geraldine. - 48553 - Postcard
Postcard NZ $20.00
Sepia Postcard of Pastoral Scene Temuka. - 48552 - Postcard
Postcard NZ $6.00
Sepia Postcard of pastoral scene Temuka. - 48554 - Postcard
Postcard NZ $8.00
Sincere Greetings. Includes Coloured Picture of Caroline Bay with Train. - 48562 - Postcard
Postcard NZ $10.00