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ASCENSION 1997 HongKong '97 International Stamp Exhibition. Miniature sheet. - 15783 - UHM
UHM NZ $1.20
HELIGOLAND Cut out from postal stationery. Some toning. - 9063 - PostalStaty
PostalStaty NZ $8.00
ST HELENA 1890 Definitive 10d Brown.`` - 6954 - Mint
SG 52 £24.00 Mint NZ $20.00
ST HELENA 1922 Geo 5th Definitive 2/- Purple and Blue on Blue. - 6955 - LHM
SG 108 £21.00 LHM NZ $20.00
ST HELENA 1922 Geo 5th Definitive 2/6 Grey and red on Yellow. Very lightly hinged. - 6956 - LHM
SG 94 £25.00 LHM NZ $24.00
ST HELENA 1935 Silver Jubilee 1/- Slate and Purple. - 6953 - UHM
SG 127 £21.00 UHM NZ $24.00